PLANNING is rarely an uncontentious issue. Locally, we are seeing a lot of building, creating much-needed homes for future generations.

Here in Wyre Forest, our local council did an extensive, four-year consultation to develop our local plan.

Many disagree with parts of it but, as a community, we know where building will happen for the next five years.

Not so in neighbouring Malvern Hills (MHDC). Because they have not been as efficient as Wyre Forest District Council (WFDC) speculative developers can build pretty much where they like.

And in the case of the north of the district they are developing just over the border from Areley Kings.

Although WFDC has agreed on a development of around 329 homes, MHDC has now been forced to allow a development of a further 145 homes despite them and WFDC refusing permission.

But it gets worse. It is known there are more developers planning a couple of sites just over the border for another 70 homes. And it could go on.

Everyone is furious about this. Local residents, councillors, planners — all are against this speculative development.

Last week, I met with a collection of representatives from MHDC, the parish council, district councillors and conservation officers.

I was looking for not just a way to thwart the immediate problem but how to be prepared for future applications.

The reality is that without proper action we could see slow progress of hundreds (thousands?) of homes being built on this area.

All will rely on Stourport — for medical treatment, food shopping, using the bridge to get to work and local infrastructure.

Meeting the potential volume of sewage means digging up all the roads into the town to replace the foul water system with bigger bore pipes.

We are already short of electricity to meet the demand of electric cars. It goes on.

Until Malvern Hills produces its local plan, we are vulnerable in Stourport to this unwelcome, speculative development.

I am working with local teams to make sure we can block future building but I am also presenting arguments to make sure everyone appreciates the problem.

For example, with this amount of housing, there is no excuse to not have a second river crossing — the Stourport Relief Road.

Similarly, the county council needs to up the investment into Stourport’s schools. And much, much more.

Wyre Forest District Council has done a good job of allocating housing and securing money from developers to improve amenities.

But if we are to face problems from Malvern Hills we need compensation. Better still, stop building next to our towns.